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报告时间:2018912 1000

报告地点:信远 2 324

报告人:Robert Davison


In this seminar I will introduce the City University of Hong Kong and in particular the five MSc programmes that we offer in the Dept of Information Systems. My purpose is to seek highly qualified and motivated applicants. The five programmes are:

Business Information Systems (for students with an IS/technical background) who wish to pursue technical skills in greater depth, particularly in FinTech. Business Information Systems (for students with a non-technical background) who wish to learn the basics of Information Systems for application in organisations Electronic Business and Knowledge Management (for students with any background) who wish to acquire general skills in EB & KM for application in organisations Electronic Commerce (for students with a strong IS/CS/Englineering background) who wish to focus on the technical aspects of EC Information Systems Management (for students with an IS background) who wish to acequire more skills/knowledge in the management of the technology. We also have a PhD programme that can be adapted to all areas of enquiry in the broad Information Systems arena. I will present information about career opportunities in Hong Kong as well as globally. I will draw on the career trajectories of past graduates to indicate some of the likely directions. I also introduce visa requirements and working opportunities in Hong Kong.


个人简介:Robert Davison is a Professor of Information Systems at the City University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the use and misuse of information systems, especially with respect to problem solving, guanxi formation and knowledge management, in Chinese organisations. He has published over 90 articles in a variety of journals such as MIS Quarterly, the Information Systems Journal, IT&People, Journal of IT, Journal of the AIS, Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Decision Support Systems, Communications of the AIS, and Communications of the ACM. Robert chairs the IFIP WG 9.4 (Social Implications of Computing in Developing Countries) and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Information Systems Journal and the Electronic Journal of InformationSystems in Developing Countries. Robert travels extensively, seeking to understand how people in different contexts and cultures make sense of their lives with IS. As a researcher and as an editor, he seeks to promote both an inclusive and a local perspective to research. Home Page: http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/staff/isrobert


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